Breastmilk is the best for babies. The World Health Organisation recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life. Unnecessary introduction of bottle feeding or other food and drinks will have a negative impact on breastfeeding. After six months of age, infants should receive age-appropriate foods while breastfeeding continues for up to two years of age or beyond. Consult your doctor before deciding to use infant formula or if you have difficulty breastfeeding.​


Choosing Between Natural and C-Section Delivery


• Mothers recover faster and​

   hence shorter hospital stays

• Mothers breastfeed earlier

   and start bonding with the

   baby sooner​

• Mothers can plan when they

   give birth and control the pain

   experience to a great extent​

• Women who have C-section

   delivery are less likely to have

   urinary incontinence (the loss of

   bladder control)

• Mothers may have difficulty

   controlling their bladder or

   bowels after giving birth​​

• They may also experience

   lingering pain in the perineum,

   the area between the virginal

   and the anus​

​• Longer recovery time which extends

   a mothers’ stay in the hospital

• Risk of uterine rupture. Most

   women’s bodies cannot sustain

   endless number of C-sections, so

   C-sections often limit the number

   of children a woman can have

• Higher levels of good bacteria2, 3​

​• Higher levels of potentially bad bacteria1​

​• Lower levels of good bacteria1​

Your child’s gut profile might be affected by genetics, the mode of delivery (e.g. c-section) or family history of allergy4, 5, 6. These factors will cause an imbalanced gut profile, called gut dysbiosis.


The gut’s role is more

than just digestion and

absorption of food. It is

part of your child’s

immune system which

acts as the first line of

defense against

infections and allergies.​​


An imbalanced gut profile due to a

lower natural immune system from

C-section delivery causes your

children to be sensitive and at a

higher risk of falling sick.




Prebiotic Blend​

^Supports your child’s natural defences​​

Good Bacteria


B. Breve M-16V​

Fight bad bacteria in gut​​​

Prebiotic Blend​

^Supports your child’s natural defences​


1 Chin Chua M, et al. JPGN, 2017;65:102-106

2 Roger LC et al, Microbiology, 2010, 156(11):3329-41

3 Misuoka, T.2014. Establishment of intestinal bacteriology, Biosci Microbiota Food Health 33, 99-116

4 Shaker, M., Curr Opin Pediatr, 2014; 26(4):516-20

5 Wahn U. Allergische Erkrankungen im Saeuglings - und Kindesalter, Chapter 7 ed. 1998, Allergologie, Editors Heppt, Renz, Roecken

6 IIIi S, et al. Lancet, 2006:368(9537);763-70

7 Information collected by National registery (Cohort study) Denmark since 1977-2012 1.9 million children were studied since born to 15 years old. Sevelsted, A., et al., Cesarean section and chronic immune disorders. Pediatrics, 2015. 135(1): e92-8

8 Shamir R, et al. Wiley 2015 Milton, Brisbane, Australia ed 1

9 Arslanoglu et al. 2008. Journal of Nutrition, 138:1091-1095

10 Nutricia, data on file

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