Breastmilk is the best for babies. The World Health Organisation recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life. Unnecessary introduction of bottle feeding or other food and drinks will have a negative impact on breastfeeding. After six months of age, infants should receive age-appropriate foods while breastfeeding continues for up to two years of age or beyond. Consult your doctor before deciding to use infant formula or if you have difficulty breastfeeding.​

Preparing for Your Newborn's Arrival

Bringing together the fun to prepare all the necessities needed to welcome your baby, makes the anticipation even greater. We tell you the things you should have in preparation of the arrival of your baby.

Many pregnant women will begin to keep a look out for cute baby essentials everywhere, once they know they are pregnant. However, there might be certain things that are not necessary. We have put together a list of important things that you will need to prepare for the arrival of your baby.


Hold a baby shower! Guests coming to your baby shower will usually prepare gifts in celebration to the arrival of your baby. 

Getting clothes for your baby

  • 6-8 winding bodies with side snaps
  • 6 tops with long and short arms
  • 4-6 bodysuits
  • 4 tights
  • 3-5 pair of baby socks
  • Possibly small cotton mittens (babies sometimes scratch their face with their delicate nails)
  • 2 jackets/sweaters

For sleeping and Wrap

  • Cot with mattress, mattress covers and sheets
  • Music Box
  • Changing table with pad

For baby care

  • Diapers (smallest size, 2-5 kg)
  • 2 washcloths
  • Baby oil or creams
  • Wipes
  • Baby gnawing shears
  • Baby Hairbrush
  • Burp Cloths
  • Baby bath
  • 2 bath towels with hood
  • Bath Thermometer
  • Thermometer
  • Stroller
  • Sling
  • Baby blanket or footmuff for the pram
  • Baby car seat and sun visors
  • Diaper bag with diapers, wipes, pacifiers, creams and spare clothes for BABIES
  • Possibly a travel cot


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  • Educational content to support you on your motherhood journey
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Date (yyyy-mm-dd) should be within the upcoming 40 weeks
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8 april 2018

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