Breastmilk is the best for babies. The World Health Organisation recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life. Unnecessary introduction of bottle feeding or other food and drinks will have a negative impact on breastfeeding. After six months of age, infants should receive age-appropriate foods while breastfeeding continues for up to two years of age or beyond. Consult your doctor before deciding to use infant formula or if you have difficulty breastfeeding.​

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Pregnancy and Coronavirus

We have expert answers from the WHO to the most frequently asked questions about pregnancy and feeding to help guide you and your child especially during what can be a stressful time. 


"Can pregnant woman pass coronavirus to unborn children?"

At this time, there is not enough evidence to determine whether the virus is transmitted from a mother to her baby during pregnancy, or the potential impact this may have on the baby. this is currently being investigated.

Pregnant woman should continue to follow appropriate precautions to protect themselves from exposure to the virus, and seek medical attention early, if experiencing symptoms, such as fever, cough or difficulty breathing.

Please consult your healthcare professional in case of any questions or concerns.


"What should I do if my child has symptoms of COVID-19?"

Seek medical attention as early as you can.

"Does COVID-19 affect babies and infants?"

This is a new virus and the World Health Organization does not know enough yet about how it affects babies or pregnant women. What they do know is that it's possible for people fo any age to be infected with the virus, but so far there have been relatively few cases of COVID-19 reported among children and none in babies. The virus is fatal in rare cases, so far mainly among older people with pre-existing medical conditions.

If you have any further questions, contact your doctor.

"Can a baby wear a mask to go outside?"

As masks have a certain airtightness, they may be uncomfortable for your little one under 1 year old. Therefore, to limit risks, you can follow the different recommendations from the World Health Organizatino to help protect you and your baby from COVID-19. And to be really safe, you should limit exposure of your child as much as possible to crowds.

If you have any further questions, contact your doctor.

"How should baby utensils be disinfected?"

First, clean them with clean water. Next, the utensils resistant to high temperature should be immersed in the pot and boiled fo rmore than 30 minutes. Utensils that are not resistant to high temperatures can be disinfected by wiping the surface down with alcohol swabs/cotton.


If you have any further questions, contact your doctor.

"What if my child is stressed about Coronavirus?"

Children may respond to stress in different ways such as being more clingy, anxious, withdrawing, angry or agitated, bedwetting etc. Respond to your child's reactions in a supportive way, listen to their concerns and give them extra love and attention. If you have any concern for the mental health of your little one, you should consult with your healthcare professional.

Calculate your pregnancy week

What's your due date?

Date (yyyy-mm-dd) should be within the upcoming 40 weeks
I don't know my due date

Calculate your due date

What's the first day of your last menstruation cycle?

Make sure the date you entered is within the last 9 months.

Whats the length of your menstruation cycle?

I'm in another week

Calculate your due date

8 april 2018

You are in week

I'm in another week

You are in week


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